One of the absolute greatest joys of my job is working with, caring for, and leading other leaders. I love seeing our Pastors and Staff thrive in their calling. It is a thrill to grow with them and to learn from them. In fact, I think that my relationship building with staff is one of the most important things that I do at
CCF. It is our hope that our authentic relationships reproduce all over the church!
That said, I am finding myself in a time of
new learning and adjustment right now. It all happened so suddenly. I woke up one day and realized that I am now serving as a Lead Pastor and Supervisor for 6 Staff members! This is different from 2-3 as it has been. With the growth of the staff this year, comes several realities...some a breeze, others more challenging, all wonderful!!! It is kinda hard to explain with words. It is just an adjustment, and for the most part I love it. I am pumped up about the team that the Lord has assembled here and believe it has only just begun. Speaking of which, we had an AWESOME
offsite staff meeting this morning.
I just need to do some
adjusting in my role, so I can handle it in a healthy way. I have had to do this before and I will have to do it again. More people to care for, more meetings to hold, more details to juggle, more info to know, more issues to respond to, more emails, more calls, more texts, more praying for these leaders, more
pastoring and
discipling them that I need to rise to. This is of course in addition to the many, many other things that I do and preparing to preach, etc. In order to
add all that onto the plate, I will need to
remove some things off the plate. So, that is what I am doing. I thank God for good leaders above me in my life that will help me process this increased
If you see this post as me complaining about any of this, you did not get it!