After almost 8 years of ministry, I have decided on what the best compliment I could ever receive is. I have actually received this compliment multiple times through the years...as recently as a few weeks ago. Here it is...the golden compliment:
"You spend too much time with your family". Or "you care too much about your family". Or even "you blog too much about your family". You see, I have heard them all. They were all intended critically. And initially, I reacted. But, after more thought and a few years, I have decided that this is the greatest compliment that I could ever receive. Would to God that more Pastors would receive this compliment. Who knows, their kids and marriages may actually turn out okay. Hey, they may even end up being an example to other families in the church and the world. Wouldn't that be a wild idea?!?!
I write all of that to say....since the beginning of September, we have declared every Tuesday evening date night or family night. And it's working! Incredibly. Like tonight, we went shopping as a family, came home and fed Davis, put him to bed and then we had a candle light dinner! Thankful for the memories as a family and for the A+ wife that I have! He that finds a wife, finds a good thing...even favor with God!
There is absolutly nothing wrong with that. It shows how much you love them, you are human, and that you have a heart for the people close to you. I miss you and your family.
Praise God!!! As a busy physician/scientist, taking time out for my family is quite important to me. And I feel as a pastor, your most important ministry is to your family. I had been meaning to ask how you and pastor Nelson were doing with that, but I hadn't gotten a chance.
I appreciate both of your gracious comments.
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