Yesterday we learned that we had no signal to the projector hanging from the ceiling in our Worship Center. No matter how hard our guys tried (8 hours yesterday), they could not get it working. We think it may be a cable issue or something. Buying a new one is not in the plan. Why? Because our Director of Worship (my Brother, Caleb) informed me this week that those suckers are like $10,000-$80,000. Whoa!! Well, since we had no media today, we printed the lyrics to the songs and laid them on the seats in the Worship Center.
Not convinced whether there is a connection or not, but here is what I noticed:
- We worshipped!
- The room was seemed more full of expressions of praise than most Sundays.
- Even the volume and unity of the voices seemed to fill the room up more.
- The Worship Team was on!! They were dynamic, engaged and inviting us into a time of meaningful worship!
- I cried like I haven't in a long time.
- It blessed my heart.
Couldn't help but wonder if it was a nice needed change of atmosphere. Couldn't help but wonder if it was a part of God's plan for us today. Maybe some of us stare at the screen for words we already know. I wonder what would happen if we put our eyes on the screen less and put our eyes on Jesus more?
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith." Hebrews 12:2a
Bye, bye miss American Pie, drove....
....the day, the projector died!
By the way, I thought it was beautiful to see the window with the cross and the light shining through. In fact, I did not know or remember it was there! Kind of thought the sunlight lifted people's spirits. Might be nice to see it sometimes...but I did miss the projected graphics.
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