My task list this week:
-Prepare for Married Life Live
-Prepare to preach this Sunday
I am as nervous as I am excited. But, I AM READY!!! The timing is so right. So right. I wish I could clearly explain why, but suffice it to say:
- I am about to go form some new life-long physical and spiritual habits.
- I am about to go fall in love with Jesus like I never have before.
- The church is more ready right now for me to walk off than ever before in my 5 years here. It is also my sense that this experience will be as good for CCF as it will be for us. You may not see it or know how to name it, but it will be!
- This time is going to allow me to thank God for the 5 year journey thus far and get geared up and ready for 5+ more! It's weird, but I almost look at this coming experience as halftime for a 10 year ministry experience. This is where I know God has called me to be. I am not saying that I am leaving before or after 10 years, I am just saying that I am in this to stay!
More later.....
What about spending time with your family...lol
Love the image babe are we going to patent it?
I may spend a few minutes with you and Davis. ;-)
Don't sweat that image. I made it in 2 minutes flat! Mac, Baby!
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