A word of explanation since we all have different understandings of the same word...we see the Bishop as our leader and overseer of the churches in our area. He will coach our Pastors and serve as our connection to our conference. This is the position our former Pastor Dave has held for the past several years and is now retiring from.
We want to extend a very warm welcome to the Kauffman family. Here are 2 ways that we plan to do that:
1. We will be holding a time of welcome and fellowship for the Kauffman’s in the Upper Room of the church on Sunday, August 10th at 6:30pm. Come and bring a snack to share!
2. After being away for 15 years, they need stuff! If you can help donate some household items to the Kauffman’s, please contact Pam Kaye at 301-675-1031 or e-mail pamkaye1@juno.com.
Here is a list of things they need:
- Full-size box spring
- One dresser
- Small microwave
- Television/DVD player
- Picnic table or deck furniture
- Grill
- Drying rack
- Towels, washcloths
- Girls' bicycle
- Card table and folding chairs
- Computer
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