We went to Karaoke on the boat. That led to "tryouts" for the finale show. They needed a Frank Sinatra, an Alvis, a Britney Spears, a Gloria Estefan, a Garth Brooks and others. Well, I was pressured into trying out for Garth Brooks as I do like country music. I won. I was in the show. Here is the picture of me in costume. It's hard to see the big black cowboy hat I had to sport! They are lucky that I did not start preaching. You never give a preacher a microphone and 1,500 people! Smile. It was a good memory. They even gave us a DVD of the performance.
I would love to have seen you up there singing and patting your leg with your left hand.
Yeah, that was about the extent of my movement. I am not the best performer type. Oh well, it was fun. I will have to sing and pat my leg for you the next time I see you! Smile. Noah
Hysterical...what did you sing anyways?
Not too proud of the lyrics of the song..."Friends in Low Places". Oh well. I did not get to choose. Gotta lighten up and have fun sometimes.
How fun! Wish we could have been there to see it! I'm sure you were great! ...can I get an autograph!?? lol
LOL...its all good...I can't wait to see the dvd. Make sure Tricia brings it with her when she comes up to see us...to bad you can't come up and give us a sample...LOL
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