Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Middle School

I guess Sundays and Mondays are going to be tough days to blog. As much as I wanted to, the last 2 days afforded me no time to reflect. Stayed on the run! Thanks to God for the second half of my week or I would stay on a treadmill.

6th-8th grade is not an easy time for kids or teens or whatever they are. I just got back from speaking at a local school to a group of middle school kids. They listened. They seemed to be engaged. A few even made decisions for Christ! I loved it! I really enjoy getting out in the community and spending time with young people. A friend of mine recently said these thoughtful words: "The church is better at being the church when they are not at church!" Good stuff.

2 questions were asked by these kids today that I thought were fascinating:
1. If God created just Adam and Eve, then how did we end up with all of these different looking people and different skins colors?
2. Did God make Aliens?

I'll let you answer these questions in your own blog:-)


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