Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Weight Loss for Missions. Week 2 Results.

Two weeks ago I started a journey to lose weight before leaving for South Africa. CLICK HERE to read all about it.

I asked people to sponsor and support me in the journey. Well, here is the two week update.

This week I lost 3 more pounds for a total of 15 pounds in 2 weeks. I am a tad disappointed because of how hard I am working, but I know that I am on the right track.

Also, pledges and commitments have increased this week and are now totaling $44.30 a pound! Kids have even joined in at $0.05 and $0.25 a pound! So cool!

I am still looking for people who want to partner with me either because you love me, want me to lose weight, have a passion for mission, share in our call and vision, or any other reason under the sun. We have a budget to raise in the next 6 months, and this is one of the many ways we will do it.

Please email, FB, comment, call, or text if you can support me.

Thank you and love you!


Helena said...

So proud of you!

Anonymous said...

congrats! Keep up the good work.

ps I weigh in at 7pm let you my results later.