I have noticed something. Most churches that I know of have a vision that somehow revolves around getting people into their church. They make strong cases for church growth and root it in scripture. I am okay with that, really. I believe that healthy churches are growing churches (with some exceptions). Recently, I was at a church and in large letters across the top of the stage was this: "Finding, Feeding, Fencing"! I'd love to hear more about that vision. But, regardless the goal at most churches is obvious...get people into the church so it grows.
Since the early part of this year, the Lord has been gradually revealing something to me...
What if we reversed that? What would happen if a church decided to adopt as it's vision the goal of sending people out instead of getting people in. What would happen in the broader church if we measured success by the quantity of people equipped and SENT instead of the number gained in the pew? And I do not mean just sending overseas. I mean sending to lost people locally, globally, glocally...in mission? I would love to be a part of a church like that...a church whose vision is to send, not collect.
What are your thoughts? I'd love to hear. Leave a comment.
Not such a far-fetched an idea really. Look at the first century church. People went out to the people as a regular occurrence. The Book of Acts gives many examples. The question is, why have we (as a body of believers) gotten so far away from the mark?
This idea is alive with the Spirit of God! That is God's heart expressed to us in words of Jesus: Come to me all who are weak...Go and make disciples. God did not take us to heaven to forgive our sin he sent Jesus to us.
Amen Jan!
Amen Glenn!
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