Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tricia is Blogging and it is GREAT!!

I consider this a VERY BIG and VERY SPECIAL announcement...

Tricia is blogging!!

I have never pressured her or even asked her to do it. This is all her. She has been blogging for about a week and I have really enjoyed some of her posts. So proud of my wife! It is a public blog and she wanted me to share it with you. She will be writing about wife stuff, mommy stuff and church stuff. I am having her a nice site designed but it is not ready yet. Well, I hope that you will enjoy reading hers when you read mine. I will add her to the bar on the left too.

The site is or you can CLICK HERE TO CONNECT TO IT!

Enjoy! Go, babe, go! Get your blog on!


Anonymous said...

Nice Blog. I wanted to drop a line but she did not make allowance for anonymous to write.

Noah said...

She fixed it now! Peace to you, Uche. I always appreciate your comments.