Today's message was a buffet...not fine dining. Gave lots of stuff to think about.
- Psalm 81 was a passage we spent some time in. It seems to say 3 things: 1) stop putting things before God, 2) when you do, things will flop, and 3) if you WILL put God first, he will hook you and and have your back.
- You don't have to give it, but you aint gonna keep it! God does not need your money. In fact, I don't even think he wants it. What he wants is YOU! He wants to be first in your world.
- I gave people (who wanted one) a paper to take home that outlined Jesus's main teachings on giving and Paul's main teachings on giving. We ran out and had to copy more. If you want it, email me and I will send it to you.
- When the money is funny, so is my honey. There are ways that we can help marriages struggling over money. Just let us know, so we can try to help. Don't suffer in silence.
- Tithe and pay your bills on time
- Save systematically and invest
- Spend responsible and within your means
- Don't buy what you don't mean
I have been meaning to ask you to repeat this little saying you put up one day. I think it was on Twitter, though, and I don't know if it would still be there since it was a while ago. It was a Menonite saying about living with less, wearing things out, and making due without. The concept stayed with me but I wanted to know the exact words. We were really encouraged by your sermons on money. And the best part is that God's principles don't change even when the ecomony is better! Have a blessed week!
Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without!
Peace, Helena!
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