Loved preaching out of Habakkuk 2 this morning. I just love to preach out of texts this rich. Actually, at a quick read, you may wonder what is so applicable from Habakkuk chapter 2? But check this out! When you are in the DIP...when you are confused, questioning and wondering what God is doing...
- Verse 1 says that we should position ourselves to listen to what God is going to say.
- Verse 2 says that we need to capture and write down what God is saying.
- Verse 3 reminds us of the need to wait....he will not be late.
- Verse 4 reminds us that the righteous will live by faith.
- Verse 6-19 reiterates to us that God will handle his business. Leave his business to him.
- Verse 20 tells us that the Lord is in His temple. Sit silent before Him!
Great Chapter, Great Book, Great series we are in. Looking forward to grappling with chapter 3 this week and preaching it this weekend.
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