- The music is too loud for my preference and I am holding my ears or really wanting to. Awkward.
- I am excited about God and these people look like they are ready to fall asleep on him. Awkward.
- The style of music is to gospel-ish or rock-ish or country-ish for my preference and I hate it. Awkward.
- I am young and this song sounds like my great grandmother wrote it and I don't even understand what it is saying. Awkward.
- The words are meaningless or repetitive for my preference and I feel like a fool trying to talk to a deaf God. Awkward.
- I have never been taught what a musical note is, but I am expected to read music and sing tenor when I visit your church. Not happening. Awkward.
- My preference is to worship quiet and still, but the person next to me is dancing, jumping and yelling. Awkward.
- The people on the stage sound like they are playing 2 different songs at the same time. I would rather listen to grinding brakes. Awkward.
- (Notice how many times the word preference appears above!!)
Before I start preaching...I think we need to explore questions like:
- How can such a DIVERSE congregation as ours have a worship experience/song service that is appealing to the most people's preference....so as inviting them into worship?
- How can we talk more openly so as to cut down on the feelings of awkward...which often come because we don't name things and do lots of quiet assuming?
- Do many of these churches have an idea? Should CCF consider a contemporary and traditional service model?
- How can we find more ways to teach people that worship is about much more than a music style, volume or church service. It is about how we do life! I think that Christians connect worship to music WAY MORE than they connect worship to life! God, help us with that.
--Pastor Noah
Pastor Noah,
I hope that as part of your thoughts you'll reflect on how the worship may appeal to bring unchurched people into an experience with Christ. In the so-called "worship wars" I find that lines are drawn inside the church. What!?! Shouldn't a "worship war" have something to do with exalting Jesus before the lost, and defeating our adversary the devil?
I can't wait to read more of your thoughts.
Amen, Ben!! Bring it. So much more I could have written here and floating in my mind. Yes! You are hitting on another mega-important but often absent part of this conversation.
Ben...I love you like a fat kid loves cake! Yeah, and I just said that.
Worship should be something that is done in church and in the everyday steps of a person's life. I think people sometimes "war" about worship on Sunday because it's their only time of worship all week (sad, but true). In order to make the "worship portion" of our service great is to make sure it's "serving" (which is always the key to greatness) the purpose of Sunday morning. As a Leader, the word "preference" should never come before "purpose." I guess I would be protective of preference if this was the only time I got to spend with God..."but thank God the curtain was torn in two and I can enter in anywhere! (In a Pentecostal preaching voice)"
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