Monday, May 30, 2011


I just finished the book "Velvet Elvis" by Rob Bell.  I loved it!  Movements 4, 6 and 7 of the book touched something deep in me.  If you want to read any of it, read those movements (chapters). 


On the last page of the book, Bell talks about the church as SHE.  He closes the book with these words that I want to share with you:


One of the central metaphors for God and his people throughout the Bible is that of a groom and his bride. God is a groom and his people are the bride. I like this because the church is a "she." She's a mystery isn't she? Still going after all this time. After the Crusades and Inquisition and Christian cable television. Still going. And there continue to be people like me who believe that she is one of the best ideas ever. In spite of all the ways she has veered off track. In spite of all the people who have actually turned away from God because of whet they experienced in church. I am starting to realize why: The church is like a double edged sword. When it's good, when it's on, when it's right, it's like nothing on earth. A group of people committed to selflessly loving the world around them? Great. But when it's bad, all that potential gets turned the other way. From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. Sometimes in the same week. Sometimes in the same day. 


But she will live on. She's indestructible. When she dies in one part of the world, she explodes in another. She's global. She's universal. She's everywhere. And while she's fragile, she's going to endure. In every generation, there will be people that will see her beauty and give their lives to see her shine. Jesus said the gates of hell will not prevail against her. That's strong language. And it's true. She will continue to roll across the ages, serving and giving and connecting people with God and each other. And people will abuse her and manipulate her and try to control her, but they'll pass on. And she will keep going! 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

CPx Outreach Blog

We are about halfway through the outreach phase of CPx.  As I have shared before, our class divided up into 6 teams and are in 6 different locations in the world.  Here is the blog that we all post our reports and stories to.  Check it out by clicking HERE!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

3 Church Planting Surprises

Over time, I will be writing much more on here about church planting. It's what we are doing and what I am studying here. With each passing day, I am more excited to plant churches and teach others to do the same.  In this post, I thought I will share the three most surprising things that I have discovered about (simple) church planting since arriving here.  These are things that I am experiencing myself as we work in Masi.  Not just things that people told me can happen.

  1. Unsaved people can lead a church. We are empowering people that are yet to make a commitment to Jesus to lead their friends in Discovery Bible Studies. It is thrilling to see the way this propels growth and dedication. What often happens is that they grow themselves into salvation that lasts.  
  2. I have personal friends and know many people who have planted churches in America.  It is often under a denomination and through a rigorous process. I know people that take as long at 24 months (plus) to launch a church plant. There is nothing wrong with this. It is beautiful...for some people. However, since we define church in simple biblical terms, we shed the processes and procedures that men create.  This allows us to start a church in 24 hours instead of 24 months.  Sure, we may not have as many dollars in the bank, people in the seats or questions answered when we begin....but it is church nonetheless, and we launched in days, not years. 
  3. Many churches talk about planting as something they wish to do in the future.  CCF (our home church) has talked about it for 12 years.  Since we define church in simple biblical terms, we are able to build reproduction into the lifeblood of the church at the beginning.  I am right now a part of a group that is 6 weeks old and already planning for reproduction within the next 6 weeks.  

Do you see the difference between organic church planting and organizational church planting?  One is not better than the other.  Just different.  And sometimes the differences can be surprising.  

Monday, May 23, 2011

Storying by Acting

Here is another storying approach we've stumbled upon by God's Spirit. We are having too much fun watching people love the Word of God! I wish I could tell you all the stories. Meanwhile, watch this! Worth your 4:00.

Storying by Acting from Noah Kaye on Vimeo.

Monday, May 16, 2011

One Matters, Small Matters

I continue to believe that God's satisfaction barometer is way different than ours.


God sees the multitude in the few. And He sees the end in the beginning.


When God created man, he made one that he could love billions!


Think of Abraham...God promised that he would make him a great nation and then gave him one son and asked him to offer him as a sacrifice. In the few, God saw the many.


When Jesus came, he reached a few disciples, but envisioned the WORLD being discipled through them. And that excited him and satisfied him.


Not long ago, I spent a Sunday morning with ONE man who was surrendering to Jesus. In that moment, I thought of Sundays that I preached to 400+ people. Suddenly, a joy came over me that the Lord was just as pleased with me in loving one as preaching to hundreds.


Then, when the fire hit last week, the Lord gave me a vision for Masi and I think it could be for your town too:

  • It is estimated that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies.
  • Then, there is this one galaxy called the Milky Way Galaxy. It also has hundreds of billions of stars and planets.
  • Within this little galaxy is a little dot called Earth. To give you some idea, the sun is about 100 times the size of earth.
  • Of all the stars and planets God made, he only put life on one (that we know of)!
  • Then, on Earth, their are continents, countries, cities and villages.
  • Within each village/town are many people.
  • Then, there is one person.
  • God cares about that person so deeply that he would have knit them together in their Mom's womb and numbered the hairs on their head and send his only son to die for them.
  • God can do big. Obviously. But, small matters to God too. One matters!
  • PLEASE do not be discouraged in small things. God is very interested in them.


Is there ONE life you can impact for God?

One Matters, Small Matters

I continue to believe that God's satisfaction barometer is way different than ours.


God sees the multitude in the few. And He sees the end in the beginning.


When God created man, he made one that he could love billions!


Think of Abraham...God promised that he would make him a great nation and then gave him one son and asked him to offer him as a sacrifice. In the few, God saw the many.


When Jesus came, he reached a few disciples, but envisioned the WORLD being discipled through them. And that excited him and satisfied him.


Not long ago, I spent a Sunday morning with ONE man who was surrendering to Jesus. In that moment, I thought of Sundays that I preached to 400+ people. Suddenly, a joy came over me that the Lord was just as pleased with me in loving one as preaching to hundreds.


Then, when the fire hit last week, the Lord gave me a vision for Masi and I think it could be for your town too:

  • It is estimated that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies.
  • Then, there is this one galaxy called the Milky Way Galaxy. It also has hundreds of billions of stars and planets.
  • Within this little galaxy is a little dot called Earth. To give you some idea, the sun is about 100 times the size of earth.
  • Of all the stars and planets God made, he only put life on one (that we know of)!
  • Then, on Earth, their are continents, countries, cities and villages.
  • Within each village/town are many people.
  • Then, there is one person.
  • God cares about that person so deeply that he would have knit them together in their Mom's womb and numbered the hairs on their head and send his only son to die for them.
  • God can do big. Obviously. But, small matters to God too. One matters!
  • PLEASE do not be discouraged in small things. God is very interested in them.


Is there ONE life you can impact for God?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Storying Video

This video captures something that we are really seeing the Lord bless. We call it storying. Since so many people do not learn by reading (close to 80% of the world are oral learners), we are experimenting with different ways that:


A) People can learn the scripture in a manner that penetrates their hearts.


B) They can reproduce it for others.


I encourage you to try this in a group soon. Later, I will post some stories that we have crafted. Use, reproduce, tell others and let the Word of the Lord go forth.

Storying in Masi from Noah Kaye on Vimeo.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Killing Osama

Well, it has been a week since the (apparent) killing of Osama BIn Laden.  The day I learned of it, I was deeply saddened by the attitudes of many Christians online.  If I'm being honest, I was also quite embarrassed to be an American that day. Here in Africa, we are interacting with many people from around the world.  For people to see the parties that "we" threw and the celebrations we had over the murder of an evil man, made us feel a sense of shame and deep disappointment.   


I know that this post will not be popular, but here's where I am today. I intentionally prayed and waited one week to share any thoughts. But I feel that the Lord wants me to offer my perspective to those that care to read it.


I am afraid that many Americans have developed political theology, not Biblical theology.  Somehow they've justified a heart of hate in the name of national loyalty and pride while failing to look at the Bible to shape their beliefs. 


Here is a snapshot (not the full picture) of what I believe:

  • Do not celebrate when your enemy falls or rejoice when they stumble.  (Proverbs 24:17)
  • Take no joy in the death of the wicked, rather hope that they turn from their wicked ways and live. (Ezekiel 33:11)
  • Greater love has no one that this, that he lay down his life for a friend. (John 15:13)
  • People will know we are followers of Jesus by our love. (John 13:35)
  • Love your enemies.  Let me repeat, love your enemies!  The world says hate your enemies. Jesus says that we are to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.  Not kill those that persecute you. (Matthew 5)
  • Bless those that harm you and leave revenge and consequence to God. 


Here is the clincher for me.  I believe that Jesus is the final revelation of the nature and heart of our God. Yes, the Old Testament is full of violent stories that you may choose to draw out as proof texts to support something like the murder of Osama Bin Laden, or war for that matter.  But, unless and until I am convinced otherwise, I am choosing to live my life and order my theology according to the life, teachings and example of Jesus Christ. He, I believe, is the final and ultimate revelation of God.  He is my savior who has redeemed me, forgiven me and died for me.  I will do all that I can do follow his lead and love my enemies as well. You can argue with me all you want, but this seems to be where I find the peace of the Holy Spirit and find rest in my soul. 


Additionally, if I subscribe to some of the hateful stuff I see oozing out of the Kingdoms of this world, I lose the thrilling chance to be a part of the Upside-down, totally-radical, earth-shaking Kingdom that God wants to build.  Why would I leave the heart of this awesome kingdom to sign up for one that is far inferior and far less thrilling in every way?!


Finally, I cannot...absolutely the New Testament and conclude that if I love radically...that one day the Lord will look at me and say: "Noah, you should have loved less and killed more"!  Thus, as of today, I choose love even when it hurts, to love when it is hard, and yes, to love even when I want to blow his brains out as badly as you may!  I choose to say no to my way, and yes to the way of Jesus...the way of love. Oh, and by the way, this INCLUDES loving those of you that hate what I just wrote here. Letter the rubber meet the road.



As many of you know, we are serving at All Nation in Cape Town, South Africa.  Our leader is Floyd McClung.  Floyd is a well known missional leader and author. Here are some of Floyd's thoughts on the matter.  

I believe the death of Osama bin Laden brings a righteous measure of comfort to the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 because the mastermind who caused so much loss and pain and the face of global terror can no longer spread his evil.

There is a place in God's ways for evil to be opposed with just force. But there is no place for American triumphalism. Our nation's need for humility and repentance remains unchanged. Sacrificing our children's lives on the altar of convenience, greed, injustice, pride, and moral perversion are constant reminders of our deep need of God.

Our greatest enemy is not a singular terrorist or Muslims in general, but our own rebellion and separation from God. Our greatest need is not more might or power, but humble dependence on the forgiveness of God for our sins. Our greatest challenge is not more faith in America's greatness, but fearless courage to share the good news of God's mercy revealed in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ on our behalf. 

Sunday, May 8, 2011

If it weren't for Mommy

The first words out of Davis's mouth this morning were "Happy Mother's Day"!  We were so impressed by his thoughtfulness to remember (keeps me out of trouble).  As we were getting ready this morning, I was encouraging Davis to be very thankful for Mommy today.  


Then I told him the truth...

  • If it weren't for Mommy, you would get no baths.
  • If it weren't for Mommy, you would wear velcro shoes because Daddy won't tie your shoes. 
  • If it weren't for Mommy, you would no match.
  • If it weren't for Mommy, you would not have clean clothes.
  • If it weren't for Mommy, you would have 5% of the toys you currently have.
  • If it weren't for Mommy, you'd have no field trips or play dates. 
  • If it weren't for Mommy, you would be hungry.


We love you Mommy! 



Daddy and Davis

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Aim Lower, Think Smaller

I think that this video is brilliantly done and it communicates strong truth that must be seriously considered. It is well worth your five minutes.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Big Fire, A Bigger Spirit!


As many of you are aware, there was a record-setting fire in Masi yesterday.  Masi is the township in which we work.  The shacks that people live in are very small, poorly assembled, and packed very tightly next to one an other making fires in the community ultra destructive.  It is difficult to put into words the gravity of the destruction that resulted in the Monday mornings fire.  Our hearts are heavy.  Several of our friends have lost their homes and all of their earthly possessions.  


Ernest, one of the guys from my Sunday morning DBS lost everything.  Ernest is the one in the picture with a black hat.  Just wrote about him in our newsletter we just released.  


This fire took place on the first full day of our outreach and it will have direct impact on how we spend this outreach.  The need is great.  And we will be doing all that we can to meet as many of the needs as we can.  Maybe you feel that you can help.  If so, please let us know. 


But, here is the most amazing thing we have seen so far....the fire was massive, no doubt.  But, the spirit of the people impacted is even bigger.  In my opinion, Africans have an astounding gift for overcoming tragedy, handling pain and responding to brokenness.  It just seems to be a part of the way God has gifted this culture.  It is inspiring and convicting.  I tell you the truth, people are smiling.  They are thankful.  They are rebuilding without thinking twice.  They are resilient. And they have so much to teach you and I. I look forward to seeing how the Lord uses this tragedy to bring Kingdom fruit. 


Thank you for walking with us and thank you for praying for our new friends here in South Africa. If you wish to pray for some people impacted (lost it all) in this fire by name, pray for:

  • Ernest
  • Vusy
  • Shawn & family
  • Adelina
  • Joseph & family
  • Mama Irene & family
  • Ayanda
  • Jomguzi
  • Goodwill
  • Doc
  • Lawrence & family 
  • Many more...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

3 Disciples. 3 Months.

We have been here in South Africa for over 3 months now.  When we arrived I really sought the Lord for his will for me during this season.  I asked him what he wanted to do IN me, TO me and THROUGH me so that I could be obedient to Him.  I heard several things from the Lord.  One of them was that I was to actively disciple several young men. It may surprise you to hear this, but as a Pastor I never really discipled people.  Maybe a few folks in our Small Group, but not much more than that. I would meet with people once, maybe twice and that was it.  That aint discipleship.


Since beginning ministry here I have formed 3 significant discipling relationships.  I meet with each of them weekly for mentoring, accountability, teaching, and to share what we are learning in Scripture. It has been enormously life-giving.  All 3 of the guys that I am discipling are also discipling others.  This is what it is all about. We must make disciples who make disciples who make disciples.  


Pray with me for Siba, Quaid and John. I am excited about the 3 disciples God has brought into my life in our first 3 months here. Excited to meet more people of peace who are spiritually hungry.