I know that closing our eyes can block out distraction and show reverence (somehow). I get that (I think).
In China and many other places around the world, one's safety can be in jeopardy if they are "caught" praying. So they naturally pray with their eyes open.
But, the Bible says "Watch and Pray..." (Matthew 26:41)
Last night at Small Group, we were reading this: "Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers..." (Eph. 6:18)
Here's my point: Lately, I have been appreciating praying observantly! I want to see what God is doing. I want to watch him move.
We don't shut our eyes when we talk to anyone else. Can you imagine if we did?!?! Why do we do it to God?? How rude. ;-)
PS- Isn't the praying baby cute?
I kinda take it like fasting. I close my eyes to the things without to focus on the One within. I pray either way, actually, depending on the moment. And I do sometimes close my eyes while talking to people on the phone, but we all know I'm weird. bo)
Thats cool just recently I have started the same thing. When I get really distracted, which is easy for me to do, then I do often go back to closeing my eyes. But I have been trying to open them more, especially in nature.
And yes, the praying baby is adorable
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