I think that there is fragrance in the name of Christ that appeals to the Lord!
I really appreciated the way that R.A. Torrey unpacked this concept his book "How To Pray":
If I go to a bank and hand them a check with my name signed to it, I am asking of that bank in my own name. If I have money in my account, they will cash it. If not, they will not. That check will have no traction if the account has no money.
However, if some wealthy depositor gave me a check written out to me, but signed by them, the bank would honor the check at once.
"It is like going to the bank of heaven when I go to God in prayer. I have nothing deposited there; I have absolutely no credit there, and if I go there in my own name, I will get absolutely nothing; but Jesus Christ has unlimited credit in heaven, and He has granted to me the privilege of going to the bank with His name on my checks; and when I thus go, my prayers will be honored to any extent. To pray then in the name of Christ, is to pray on the ground, not of my credit, but His!"
Caution: We can add the words "in the name of Jesus" at the end of our prayers, but really be praying in our own merit all along. Watch this.
There is truly POWER in the name of Jesus...especially when we understand it and use it with intentionality and authority!
Thanks so much for your timely insight. I was just debating with a couple of people about that exact thing.
What an awesome analogy. Thanks for sharing. :-)
In God We Trusts
Pray For bipolar For Healing In The Name Of Jesus Christ
Pray For teens, depression sadness, youth teenagers, girls , boys... Prayer of Children for their Parents . Pray For neighbors, & Childrens parents
1Pe 4:16 Yet if [any man suffer] as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem, I Pray For Peace For USA. God Bless Jerusalem, God Bless USA.
I’M PrAYING FOR YOU AND OTHER PEOPLE AROUND ME Prayer for families is the very foundation that keeps a family unit together. Have you heard the phrase "A family that prays together stays together"? The concept is true - a family that has their focus on praying to the Lord Jesus Christ has a foundation that may be shaken at times, but it will withstand all that comes against them. Prayers for Justice and Peace
Please Pray for Other People Have Heart Problem. & Diabetes, In The Name Of Jesus Christ &, Athesma Problems.
And the Blind In The Name Of Jesus Christ. Pray For Israel & Jews… Pray For World Homeless Families. & Please Pray For Homeless Women to… In The Name of Jesus Christ & all There health Problem In The Name Of Jesus Christ… Prays for President Obama and Wife, & Children’s and his new administration. Your efforts will work powerfully in our nation.
Pray For World Homeless Families. & Please Pray For Homeless Women to… In The Name of Jesus Christ & all There health Problem In The Name Of Jesus Christ…
Hear our prayers, O God, In The name of Jesus Christ I Pray. Jesus Christ You Are King Of King lord of Lords
"There can be miracles when you believe...For with God nothing shall be impossible" Luke 1:37
Dismiss all anxiety from your minds. Present your needs to God in every form of prayer and in petitions full of gratitude. Then God’s own peace, which is beyond all understanding, will stand guard over your hearts and minds, in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7
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