- Pray! Really seek the face of the Lord as to HIS direction for our youth ministry. If to hire, when to hire, who to hire, etc.
- Empower! We have 4-6 great youth workers that will comprise a volunteer team of leaders that will care for and minister to our you in the weeks and months to come. I have met with them and they are excited about gathering and ministering to our youth starting September 1st!
- Minister! There will be a weekly youth service (probably on Wednesdays...we will let you know soon) and several events and other ministries this fall that are already underway! It is going to be great! Just watch for details.
- Small Group! There will be a Youth Small group happening every Sunday morning from 9-10 for the young people whose parents are in a Small Group. Daryl Stevens will be leading this.
- Club 78! Club 78 will continue to meet every Sunday morning during the message time. This is our ministry to 7th and 8th graders and will be led by Jaye Lindo and a team of workers that she is assembling.
- Trust! I know that the Lord will lead us. I feel strongly that God is saying to rest in Him, take our time and entrust the youth ministry into the hands of the good people who have been here and will be here to come. The volunteers!!
--Pastor Noah
Surpirised!!!!!, Pastor Mike leaving?
Yes, read my post from last week for more detail. He did leave, but we still love him and the Lord is good. All will work together for good! God is still blessing CCF! But, man do we miss Ike and Uche!
I pray God to take care of the youth and the young ones in the CFF(as He has always done), I advocate starting early(the youth and younger)although it is still good to start late than NEVER!.
We all miss you guys too, our search for a home church here is over;God provided another awesome church here for us, it is called Christ Fellowship, please check it out on www.cffamily.org, we are so excited for what the Lord is doing here and to be a part of it, they have four branches of the church here in miami and we attend the one on Palmetto Bay. The Pastor there is Rick Blackwood, he is a great teacher, we just finished a series on "loose your Religion", talked about, "when is the sabbath day", the unforgivable sin", "what about mary" etc, we started another series this past sunday on the "Revelation".
I was at the small Group meeting yesterday and was so richly blessed. Their small group pattern is his way; all the groups meet in different places and differnt days watch the same dvd message of Rick for small groups and at the end of the day, they are questions which are discussed at the end of the dvd recording.
We are so blessed by your teachings in CCF and are excited to find another church where we can get the word and not miss out at all. Our God is great!!!!!!!
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