Are you a member or attendee of CCF? If so, I have a question for you. It was buried in my post on worship yesterday, but I am learning that most of you DO NOT READ LONG POSTS, so if it is important, I have to
extract it to a shorter post. So, here is the question. In light of our diverse congregation (experientially, culturally, generationally)...
What do you think about CCF having a traditional (but not WAY traditional) 9:30am service and a contemporary (but not WAY contemporary) 11:00am service? (new times start in September)
Comment, email, talk to any staff member when you see us. Just wanting to solicit some feedback on this one.
Sounds like this was what we talked about several years ago when we went to 2 services.
My thoughts --
If the first service is going to be traditional, will it be less appealing to young families. In light of trying to offer children's ministry at both services, will this cut down on the number of children at first service but still place a burden on children's workers to be fully staffed for a small crowd?
Will this be more work for the worship team? These volunteers invest well into the ministry and I would think they deserve a big say in any additional commitment.
Thanks, Anonymous! Good thoughts.
We come from various backgrounds which is what makes CCF quite unique. When we worship, we are saying that God has worth, that he is worthy. We speak, or sing, about how good and powerful God is but worship is not just music.
With such a diverse church like ours it is impossible to please everyone's preference so the only suggestion is to maybe incorporate a blended worship into both services. I personally have no preference and I believe that for true blended worship to really work, all of us must be willing to make concessions relative to our own personal preferences. Nobody should get just the kind of music he or she likes all the time, but focus more on Christ which allows us to rise above man-centered squabbles over musical taste and preference. If we are united in our commitment to the glorification of our Lord through our worship, we will be blessedly distracted from lesser things which might divide us.
Amen Tonya, I could not have said it better myself. Although I do have a preferences of worship, I totally agree that the point is that we are "united in our commitment to the glorification of our Lord through our worship". It is all about Jesus and the Holy Spirit showing up and about our collective worship. Amen & Amen,
Wow, Tonya! So you have been holding back. I did not know that you could preach! Go girl! Great remarks. If I am hearing you right, it does not really matter as much as we let it. Make it blended styles, get in there and worship together. Focus on Him and not us and we will be in line with His will for us!?!? And it will include some sacrifice of our own preferences. Is that it?
You got it, that's exactly what I'm saying. Worship is about pleasing God first and foremost rather than pleasing ourselves. If we focus more on him and not on us then we will be in line with his will for us! He might be honored not only by our worship style but by the attitudes of our hearts.
I agree with you Tonya, I am a hyper worshipper and i always do my worship the way i am lead to do it.I do not allow the worship attitude of the person around me to affect me, i do my worship the way I am lead to do; if the spirit says kneel, i kneel, if it says cry, i cry, i let my self flow the way I am lead.I do not complain about the worship attitude of the person around me, i believe they are also doing their worship as they are lead, just like i am doing mine. Worship is about us pouring our hearts to God and not about the music or the attitude of the people around us during worship.
Sorry to chime in so late, but I agree with Tonya. I think CCF has done a great job at blending the styles. What I have noticed is that hymns seem to be recieved well by all. Not saying we should do all hymns, just making an observation.
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