Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Remaining Faithful

Remain faithful! Those are the words on my heart today! REMAIN FAITHFUL, NOAH! Remaining faithful means a lot of things. For me, today, it means pressing into the Lord in prayer for wisdom, instead of leaning on my own or anyone else's understanding. It means believing God with hope instead of looking to the enemy in unbelief. Remaining faithful for me, today, means speaking the heart and mind of the Lord Jesus Christ and not my own flesh and will. It means remembering my call and who God has crafted me and commissioned me to be. I thank the Lord today that his plan ALWAYS WINS because he is ALWAYS FAITHFUL!!!

Psalm 146:6 "...The Lord remains faithful forever!"

I pray that you, my faithful God,will teach me today how to remain faithful. I love you, Lord and I thank you for your example of perfect faithfulness!

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