Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas at CCF! Mark your Calendars!

With the exception of a few meetings, I have spent the majority of my morning tending to the many leadership and planning details of our various Christmas events at CCF! It's almost like we have to get through one holiday to start thinking about the next. We finalize the December Capital this Wednesday, so it is full speed planning so we can publish all the details! In the process of thinking through all of this, I got super excited about the approaching holidays together as a church. Good memories always get made. So that you can begin getting excited with me, here are the main events for this Christmas month (get your calendar out!):
  • This Sunday, December 2nd- Decorate the church for Christmas at about 1:30pm (after the Business Meeting-- insert plug for business meeting here!)
  • Saturday, December 8th- Ladies Brunch & Cookie Exchange at 9:30am.
  • Friday, December 14th- Annual Evening Christmas Party. A group is already at work on this and it is gonna be super!
  • Sunday, December 16th- REAL Teens Holiday Service Project to the Elderly in our community!
  • Thursday, December 20th at 7:00pm-Christmas Caroling at Local Nursing Homes.
  • Sunday Morning, December 23rd- Special Christmas Program/Service
  • Monday, December 24th at 6pm- Christmas Eve Service
  • AND...We are doing Angel Tree again. Get your Angel this Sunday!
I am really looking forward to a great month with you all!


1 comment:

  1. Hey, we are Taking Tomorrow, a Christian band.
    Please visit our blog, vote on polls and post comments.
    God Bless,
    Taking Tomorrow

    Thanks for using the talents God gave you to pastor and win souls to the Lord!
