Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Davis Update

If you are a parent, then maybe you can relate to this...I feel like there are some days that I just want to stare at my son and wonder how he's ours? Some days he looks so cool, so cute in his outfit, and so much like a miracle of God. Well, this evening, Tricia and Davis and I really enjoyed some well needed family time, just us! Dinner, play time, laughing, bath and bedtime routine. Here is a very cute recent bath picture that is appropriate for the Internet. Look at this kid! He can now stand on his own for about 5-10 seconds and walk very well while we hold his hand. He can also climb the entire set of steps (13 of them) in our home. Yes, I was standing behind him. No, I do not want to be responsible for another ambulance ride to Children's Hospital.

Oh, and Tricia dressed Davis in his Redskins outfit today in honor of Sean Taylor. We woke up this morning to learn that this young Redskins Safety was shot and killed. My heart and prayers have gone out several times today to his family, friends and the Redskins Club. Thanks to the Lord that the Head Coach, Joe Gibbs is a Christian and so are several of the other players. My friend Matt Gary interned with the Skins this year and met some super guys that love the Lord. I pray that God will somehow use them during this time to impact this team for Christ.

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