Thursday, February 9, 2012

Kids Prayer Strategy

I stumbled upon something too cool not to share.


We pray with Davis every night when we put him to bed. It is a great thing to do and I am thankful for it.  However, lately I have been kinda unimpressed with the routine...same thing every night. Same basic words, same basic prayer, same basic mechanics. Might be ok for some, but not for me.  I want Davis to learn to express his heart to Jesus out of sincerity, not habit. I want to teach him early to pray with passion and intentionality. 


So, about a week ago I old him that we were going to take turns praying, alternating back and forth, kind of like popcorn popping back and forth...and that we would pray for whatever Jesus brought to our hearts.  


We did! And it was super special.  Now, every night, we employ our new popcorn prayer strategy.

  • I prayed for Mom.
  • He prayed for sister.
  • I prayed for Family.
  • He prayed for Masi.
  • I prayed thanks for the day.
  • He prayed safety for tomorrow. 
  • On
  • And on
  • And on

It is totally rad to hear my son pray like this and it has significantly increased the value of our prayer times together.  I feel like we have stumbled upon a fairly good prayer strategy. I encourage you to try it a few times with your kids (or adults) and see what happens.

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