Saturday, August 20, 2011

7 Disciples, 7 Months

When we had been living in South Africa for 3 months, I posted THIS BLOG expressing my gratitude to the Lord for the 3 guys that I was in a discipling relationship with.  It was a fulfillment of a word the Lord had given to me and an honor to walk with these brothers weekly. 

Today, I am even more excited....4 times more excited, to be exact! Becuause, this week we celebrated 7 months here and I am now in an intentional discipling relationship with 7 young men!

What do I mean by a discipling relationship?  Think Jesus and the disciples....execpt, he was Jesus!!  ;-)  I spend time with these guys one on one or in pairs at least once a week in prayer, discussion, study.  We live life together in relationship and accountablity.  We SMS, we call, we hang together, we worship, I teach them, and I learn from them.

I believe that all of us should have people more spiritually mature than us discipling us, while we are disciping people less spiritually mature than we are.  Being pured into and pouring out...same time. This produces balance in your discleship journey. 

The Lord had specifically placed in my heart a desire and calling to actually disciple people...something I did not do in the Pastorate. And I am finding more joy in it than I would have ever imagined.  My life will never be the same again. And perhaps neither will John's, Shawn's, Ernest's, Quaid's, Siba's, Themba's or Reggie's!?

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