Thursday, March 24, 2011

Helping Save a Life

Since earlier today, I have been trying to convince myself that this cannot be possible, but it is!


The story of my eventful day goes like this: 

  • At 9am, I got a call from a 15 year old boy that I am discipling in Masi.  He told me that his mom (Ntombi) is having some type of dental emergency and needed a ride to the dentist here in town. She needed picked up in an hour.  I said yes.  I was there at 10 in front of their shack to get them. 
  • When I placed my eyes on Ntombi, I could not believe what I was seeing.  The right side of her face was so swollen it looked like a second head growing off of her face.  Honestly, it looked like something in a comic book or drawing.  Huge swelling!  Nothing like I have ever seen before.
  • I dropped them at the appointment, headed back to class and waited on a call to pick them up.  Tricia went to pick them up.  When she arrived the Doctor came out and told Tricia that if this lady did not get to Tygerberg Hospital (about an hour away from where we live) by the end of the day, she could die!  Yes, die!  Of a swollen face because of an infected tooth!
  • Immediately we figured out where this place was and drove to Tygerberg Hospital where they did emergency dental surgery and then admitted her to the hospital for the night--again reaffirming that had she not got in soon, the swelling would have prevented her from breathing and she would have died.  
  • So, seeing as how Ntombi had no person or no money to help her today, we felt like we were able to participate in saving a life all because we had the time, the car and the desire to serve this dear lady.  


I pray that she is having a restful night.  We will pick her up and take her back home tomorrow, Lord willing. It is such a different world here.  People die due to dental infections quite often according to a lady I spoke to today at the hospital.  Hard to believe for an American.  There is so much we take for granted.  Today reminded me afresh.     

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