Saturday, February 26, 2011

PLEASE Pray for Kremer Family!!

I am asking every Christian that reads this to join in prayer now for this situation...

Ebel and Lora Kremer are Dutch Missionaries in Kenya and also very dear friends of Aram and Debbie DiGennaro (our friends and fellow EMM Missionaries to Kenya). Ebel was just shot and killed in front of his wife and 2 kids and Lora was assaulted. I believe that they are now with the DiGennaros in Nairobi (or were). 

Our hearts are so broken this morning for the Kremer Family. Pray also for the DiGennaros during this intense moment of ministry to a devastated family. 

Trusting Jesus...

1 comment:

  1. This couple were students in a YWAM School of the Bible that my son and daughter-in-law taught in South Africa. Very sad. Praying. Read Revelation 6:9-11. "How long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?"

    But they were given a white robe.
