Thursday, February 17, 2011


I know that for some of you, this will be hard to understand, but this week, we were broken up into churches. Yes, after months of not having a regular "church", we do now! Our church is made up of eight adults and four kids. They are great people from three continents and five countries. Today, our church went on mission together for the first time. Our main goal: to practice Luke 10 and Matthew 28 and just going into places that the Lord is calling us. The township that we will be ministering in throughout the next several months is called Masiphumelele (You will hear us call it Masi for short). Many stories will be flowing out of our time in Masi. Cannot wait to share them. Today, the Lord already started opening up doors. There are several people that I look forward to following up with again tomorrow. Have your way, Lord.

Pics below are of our church (missing a few people, including Tricia and Davis) and a few other shots around Masi.

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