Monday, February 14, 2011

At Peace

At peace tonight...

It's one thing to THINK you hear God and to move out in faith. It is quite another to KNOW that you have heard Him. Up until January 14th (the day we landed here), we were sure that we had heard God and that he called us here to South Africa. But anytime you do something scary like this, something that is destined to fail without God, you always have some fear that you may have missed God.
Since arriving, it has been confirmed over and over that this was indeed God's intention for us. We are sure that we are sure that we are right where God wants us to be. We see proof of it all around us. I just wanted to let you know in case you wondered. And more importantly, I want to give God the praise for being a God that still speaks!! Tricia and I encourage you to follow the Lords leading in your life, however crazy it may seem.

At peace,


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