Friday, October 22, 2010

Valley Forge, Dear Valley Forge

Today, Tricia and I will spend the day at Valley Forge, Christian College (VFCC) in Phoenixville, PA. Our hearts are both so thankful for this college and its impact on our lives. It is actually quite hard to even put it into words.

It was our first "home" away from home. It's where we learned so much and grew so profoundly. This college is the place where the Lord took my relationship with him to new heights and developed my leadership heart and abilities like never before.

Perhaps most dear to me about VFCC is this: Tricia! God brought me north and Tricia south so he could bring us together! VFCC is where our love story began. And, oh how thankful I am for her!

Looking forward to standing proud when they sing that (cheesy) VFCC theme song today...

(start the music)

"Valley Forge, Dear Valley Forge, of your name we sing. May we ever boldly represent your King!" ;-)

PS- Thank you Mom and Dad for supporting me through college and for PAYING FOR IT!!! Unbelievable gift. Still marvel at it.


  1. That song is definatly cheesy! I can't help but to laugh everytime I hear it. Regardless, in less than 2 months I will be standing for that song and it is only because you believed in me. Thanks so much for sharing your gift with me. Love you guys.

  2. You have no idea what this meant, Barbara! It is why I do what I do.
