Saturday, July 10, 2010

At CCF in the next 2 weeks

Just wanted to take a moment to outline again what you can be looking forward to at CCF for in the next 2 weeks...

This morning: Mission to Mission Drive (CCF is located and the intersection of 193 and MISSION Drive)!! Hand out free cold water and invite cards to traffic at the intersection in front of the church.
[Cancelled due to rain]

Tomorrow, Sunday, July 11th- Colossians Message 2 and Partnership/Baptism Sunday.

Also tomorrow, Sunday, July 11 from 12pm-2pm: On Mission to Mission Drive!! Hand out free cold water and invite cards in front of the church. Take 2.

Next Saturday, July 17 from 8:45am-12pm: On Mission to Mission Drive!! Hand out free cold water and invite cards in front of the church. Take 3.

Next Sunday, July 18th in Worship- Colossians Message 3

Also next Sunday, July 18 from 12am-2pm: On Mission to Mission Drive!! Hand out free cold water and invite cards in front of the church. Take 4.

Running Sunday evening, July 18 through Friday, July 23-- VBS EVERY NIGHT!!! Workers and prayer still needed!

Friday, July 23rd at 6:30pm- AWESOME closing event for VBS! For people of all ages. Let's pack the house!

Sunday, July 25th in Worship- Colossians Message 4

Hope you are planing to be in attendance at most of this!!!

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