Monday, March 8, 2010

I'm Done With Sex- A prayer for our future!

Yesterday, I concluded our series called "Sex & Stuff". You can listen to all the messages online by clicking HERE. Some people probably really, really appreciated engaging a topic that is typically so untouched. Others are probably thrilled that it is over and can come back to church now. ;-)

Here is my prayer for our future:

Lord, sift out anything that I was not supposed to say, any of my flesh-- and let your truth and your wisdom remain. Lord, I pray that this would be the time that people begin to move into confession, repentance, healing and new commitments toward purity and sexual wholeness. May the enemy flee and take all of his lies with him. We CAN overcome, we CAN live upright before you, we CAN live lives of purity that are consistent with your heart for us. Lord, bring forgiveness to sexual abuse and pain that was brought on by others and grant courage to change our behaviors that bring on the pain we cause ourselves. Let the teaching that has come forward be the beginning and not the end of what you want to do in us! Amen!

Bless you all today! Love you!

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