Monday, March 22, 2010

$50,000 in 10 weeks

Yesterday we announced to the church that we are launching a short term fund drive. We also celebrated the very strong giving that we have seen so far this year! Outstanding show of faithfulness.

The Ask: We are trusting the Lord for $50,000 over the next 10 Sundays. (above general fund giving)

For what?
  1. The gym is separating from the main part of the building. Forensic experts have led us to believe that it is because of water drainage problems. We need to do some significant grading and drainage improvements around the building.
  2. We have been "robbed" 3 times in the 5 years we have been here. Some feel that there is a need for increased security around on our campus. We will be adding additional motion detectors and converting some problem doors to emergency exits.
  3. What is remaining will be intentionally placed in a facility reserve fund for future needs so that we will not be doing this again in a few months.
So....between now and the end of May, we invite you to sow into this project by marking your giving "building fund". Thank you!!!

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