Monday, February 1, 2010

The Heavenly Man

The other day, I finished reading "The Heavenly Man". It is the remarkable true story of the persecution of a revolutionary Christian leader in China. The stories of Brother Yun's life stirred me and impacted me tremendously. This book has even impacted how I come to many different practical decisions. To be totally honest, the struggles that Brother Yun faced in following Jesus made some of the Apostle Paul's persecution look light. Brother Yun is still alive living in exile with his family. He is one of the five strategic "Back to Jerusalem" leaders.

2 very interesting facts:
  1. One of the key Christian friends in this book who is imprisoned with Brother Yun is Brother Xu. Brother Xu is also one of the Back to Jerusalem leaders. I met Brother Xu this past Summer on August 20th. It was an honor. But it means even more to me after reading this book.
  2. There is a chance that you can meet Brother Yun himself one day sooner than you think....stay tuned. And prepare by reading this book.
If you want to have your faith increased and to see how easy you really have it, read the "The Heavenly Man" as soon as possible.


  1. What is a "Back to Jerusalem" leader?

  2. Ben, next Lunch! Meanwhile:
