Friday, January 22, 2010

The Poor Guy That Has My Old Cell Number

I have to tell you this funny God-story! I made the mistake of giving my old cell number out to too many people. It got out of hand. So, I changed the number the week before I left on Sabbatical last summer. Now, much fewer people have that ease of access to me.

Anyway...when you change your number, they can give it out to others. I thought that there was a wait time, but it must not be too long, because they gave this guy my old number....and....

He gets calls for Pastor Noah all the time, texts about Jesus and from Blogs, etc. I continually have people tell me that they called me at my old number and the guy says that "he gets calls and texts for me several times a week". Poor guy! I felt bad for him! So I called him tonight at my old number and introduced myself and apologized that he has had to play operator for me.

Turns out, he is a Roosevelt High Grad, who has been hoping and praying that one day we could meet. We had an AMAZING conversation tonight. He wants to come to church Sunday and get together next week because he needs someone to talk to about things going on in his life. Seems like a divine connection leading to a divine appointment all because of an old cell number.

I love it!

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