Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Reading Update

I enjoy reading multiple books at the same time. Keeps my reading diet diverse. Well, somehow this month, that got a little out of control and I am reading like 5 or 6 books at the same time. So, I have a goal. Within the next few days I hope to wrap up most of them and share about a couple of them on my blog. That way, at the start of the new year, I can jump into a few new books that I have on the runway and am excited to start.

  1. "There Were Two Trees in the Garden" by Rick Joyner
  2. "Primal" by Mark Batterson
  3. "Waking the Dead" by John Eldridge
  4. "Genesis; an Introduction" by Claus Westermann
Looking forward to starting:
  1. "The Speed of Trust" by Steven M.R. Covey
  2. "The Heavenly Man" by Paul Hattaway
  3. "God's Pursuit of Man" by A.W. Tozer
  4. More that I cannot remember because they are on my shelf in MD and I am in NY...
Leaders and readers and yearn to learn.


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