Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Pancake Curiosity

This has been kind of funny, I have to admit. People are asking all kinds of questions. Some people are confused.

What is the deal with the pancakes and how do they relate to Friend Day?

Are we going to eat pancakes? Or is this just the visual for the event?

Huh? What's a flapjack?

If we are eating pancakes, is it before church or after church?

Let me help bring some clarity. Here is what you need to know:
  • Flapjack Friend Day is Sunday, September 20th!
  • Invite and bring people that DO NOT GO TO OR HAVE A CHURCH and/or may not be "into" God.
  • Arrive at 10:00-10:15 for a cup of Java.
  • Service will start at 10:30am as usual.
  • We will worship the Lord and I will begin a teaching series called "Pursuit" that morning. It will CCF as usual (not some false display of who we are not, because we have guests).
  • After service, we will all head to the gym for a FREE "Breakfast for Lunch"! I am sure that many of you have had breakfast food at different hours of the day. Well, that is what we are doing.
  • Our Fellowship Team will serve eggs and sausage.
  • Our Small Groups will be cooking at various fresh pancake stations.
  • We will eat and hang out with friends from about 12- til whenever.
  • You need to bring NOTHING but your friends and your expectation for a great day.
See you then!! Invitations for the event will be available for you to pick up at the welcome center over the next 2 Sundays.

1 comment:

  1. That is such a cool idea! Send some pancakes this way!
