Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New Day Realization

I am quite overwhelmed as I tell you about this quick story.  It is fresh and meaningful.

Yesterday, we flew to Beijing and drove one hour north to New Day Creations.  Here is their website:  This is a orphanage/factory/charity/business all in one.  All of this done for the ultimate goal!  

The orphanage was moving to say the least.  All of the kids in this particular place are special needs.  One had serious heart surgery yesterday!  Another is about to be united with the family from Texas that will be adopting them...THIS AFTERNOON!!  They will meet here this afternoon to take her back to the States.  More later....

Listen to this.  The New Day factory makes primarily things that you would but in a Christian bookstore.  Figurines, stone and resin products with verses, etc.  Local Chinese do all the work by hand.  Every step.  As I was walking through the factory I saw this: 

What was so moving and special was that this is THE GIFT that my parents gave me for my ordination in April.  It is sitting in our living room and is quite meaningful to me.  It could have been made anywhere in the world, but it was made right here in this small factory in China that I visited this morning.

This is the only place that they are made and they are made specifically for Lighthouse Christian Products.  The statue in my living room was made 500 yards from where I am writing this blog by the people I just met.  

This may not sound like a big deal to you, but the feeling I had when I walked into this room and saw a man sanding one after another after another before sending them to be moved me to cry.  I now attach this praying statue in my living room to my heart and prayer for the people of China!

This experience had deep spiritual significance for me!!  God is stirring something....


  1. we are truly amazed at this story. I am thankful for this experience for you and know it will always be meaningful to you.

  2. Noah, That is so cool. What a special experience God had ordained just for you. Can't wait to hear more awesome stories from this trip!

  3. God is so good. When I got home last night, I realized that I had left the tag on it...which stated that it was made at New Day. Confirmation. So cool.
