Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Facebook Fan!

If I have any doubt before about this whole Facebook's gone....I'm a believer!

Here are a few reasons why:
  • I made 3 new friends in Guyana! Not person! Because I saw them on Facebook at a restaurant we were at. I walked up and said: "Oh, cool. Facebook! I want to be your friend." There faces lit up as they asked me my name and typed it in the search box. I am now friends with Collin, Lisa and Marlon from Guyana! We communicate. They see me talk about my family, my church and my God. Seeds are being planted! Love it!
  • Facebook is growing our church (and will keep doing so if we leverage it)! I am connecting with old friends and acquaintances that are coming to CCF. Two more friends are planning to visit this weekend! The connections are amazing.
  • Unlike other social networking sites, it is easy to use and consumes very little time. Maybe I am doing something wrong or underusing it, but I check it every other day for 3 minutes and stay in touch. (The fact that my Twitter updates automatically show up there make me look like a power user.)
Facebook Rocks! It is going to open up great doors for impacting people. That is my heart! That is why I do it. Lord knows I don't need one more thing to do. I see it as a tool, not a toy! It is all in how you use it. You have to use it, not let it use you!

(If you have not joined, do so today at


  1. I am a fan too. I love so much more then myspace.

  2. Funny. I had been fighting it and felt led to sign up just a couple of hours ago.

  3. Oh, so you joined it before you read this? How's that for Pastoral Confirmation. Smile. Welcome to FB. Ask me to be your friend. LOL.

  4. Where you not the one that told me you would never join? LOL

  5. Tanya, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
