Thursday, February 26, 2009

Valley Forge Memories

With each passing year, coming on the campus of Valley forge Christian College becomes more nostalgic. I made so many memories here!
  • God became real to me here.
  • My leadership took shape in innumerable ways here.
  • I grew in knowledge, wisdom, character and competence here.
  • Was trained to preach here.
  • Was mentored by great leaders here.
  • Got a degree from here.
  • Worked here!
  • Had my faith shaped in many memorable chapel experiences.
  • Formed lifelong friendships here.
  • Met the love of my life here!
The entrance to the college:

The room that I lived in and led as an RA from for 2 of my 4 years:

This was my floor (4 down) and this is what we called PPU (Ping Pong's all we did):

God spoke to me many times in this room about my call...very special place to me:

This is where Tricia and I would sit and smooch when we were dating and hope not to get caught:

1 comment:

  1. Hey, most of these places look all to familiar! It was great to see you today. I hope to have as many great memories when I EVENTUALLY get out of here.
