Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Seeing What No One Else Sees....YET

Sunday, Pastor TC made a sub-point in his message about vision and I thought was strong. To paraphrase it, it was something like this:
The hardest season for the visionary is the early stages of seeing it and sharing it. It is hard to move into and toward a vision that YOU sense and YOU see, that no one else does (or they only see slivers of it). If it is a God ordained vision, everyone else will see it soon enough. Then, they will believe it and champion it. But in the early stages, they will question it. And that can be hard!

Oh, how I can relate to this. Even through my journey here at CCF. I have learned so very much about what clear and corporate vision can do in just the last 18 months! There are many signs around us that this CCF vision is God's and that it IS working! However, in the early stages of casting it, the confidence tank would get low. But, we held on and kept believing. Now, it is easier to see. Being a visionary is more "funner" once others see it's results. It takes a lot of courage to lead into it in the early stages!

So, what do you see God wanting to do in and through your life that others may question? I encourage you to hold onto it. It will be way easier when the truth of that vision is more fully revealed and noticed!


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