Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Being a Student (too)

Love being a Husband!

Love being a Dad!

Love being a Pastor!

Love learning new things!

Not so thrilled about being a student. I think I just prefer to learn because it's desired, not required.

Well, I AM A STUDENT! I am a Masters student at Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. I have thought of transferring a few times, but it has worked great so far. (Leaving the AG to Pastor a Mennonite Church cost me my license with the AG, but my money is still good enough for their seminary...oops....did that just slip out?) Anyway, great classes with just a few students, conveniently scheduled and located. I mainly take one-week intensives. They go like this:
  1. Read a whole heck of a lot to prepare for class
  2. Write a bunch of papers to submit on the first day
  3. Go to class in PA for one week M-F 8-5 (at my Alma Mater, VFCC)
  4. Do a project or two in the several months following
  5. Mail it in to the Prof
  6. 3 credits down
Well, next week I am taking a class called "Missional Ministry; Growing Churches in the 21st Century."

Have more reading and more papers to finish by Sunday! I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...



  1. David Crosby. Lead Pastor of Pocono Community Church.

    Church: http://www.poconocc.com/home.html

    Blog: http://davidcrosby.blogspot.com/

    Seems like an interesting guy! Looking forward to this one!
