Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Etiquette of Pumping Gas

Every now and then, I run across a blog post that gains a lot of attention and reaction. Often, it is a controversial post that includes a high volume of commenting. The commenting sometimes escalates to fighting. Here is one such a example.

A man goes to pump gas. The woman in front of him is done pumping gas, but fiddling in her purse and not pulling out. He gets mad. She has her church name on her license plate cover and bumper sticker. The man calls the church and leaves a message. Pretty funny!

What's funnier to me is reading the 77 comments (and growing) that follow. Wacky. It will take you 5-10 minutes to read, but it is a tad addictive once you start reading.

If you have a comment, leave it for them. But, I thought I would share this one with you. You will get to listen to the actual voice mail that the man left.

Here is the Link: CLICK HERE!

I will have to consider a sermon on the etiquette of gas pumping.


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