- Loving Jesus
- Loving Tricia
- Loving Davis
- Vision Casting! Message, series, meetings, discernment....
- Davis turning 1
- Relationship Weekend with Ron and Trevor Hall
- Day spent with Rick Warren
- Upper Room completed and opened!! (And paid for!!!)
- Moving my office upstairs
- Pastor Mike's ministry among us. (and his quick goodbye)
- A new pulpit!
- Getting locked in my office
- Easter 2008; Revivify your passion
- Visiting Seacoast Church
- Finalizing our new Purpose Statement
- Pottery Sunday with live Potter
- International Sunday; Message in a Bottle
- Momentum Message, first ever video sermon
- Mom and Dad's 40th
- Drive Conference 2008
- Postponing my Sabbatical
- Speaking at the LCS Commencement
- I met Twitter!
- Being Garth Brooks on a cruise
- Falling in love with Corn Hole (and making our very own CCF set)
- One Heart Series
- VBS; God's Big Backyard
- Moving! (no small task)
- Cardboard Testimony Sunday
- Welcoming the Kauffman's to CCF (our new Bishop)
- Friend Day 2008
- Merging to ONE service
- Launching Sunday Small Groups (Which have been a big win!)
- Making Connections Curriculum (Go Nelson!)
- Launching our NEW CCF Website!
- Celebrating my one year Blogiversary
- Growing with our Thursday Small Group
- Growing with my Sunday Small Group
- Creating our first ever Annual Ministry Map for 2009
- Development of the Ministry Leaders Team
- Getting a John Deere!
- Attending Willow Creek Group Life Conference in Chicago
- Church Retreat
- Obama elected as President
- Habakkuk Message Series
- Christmas Party & Production; A Twisted Christmas
- Hiring Caleb as Director of Worship
- Hiring TC as Youth Pastor
- Hiring Tricia as Director of Children's Ministry
- Positive shifts in CCF Culture
- Worshiping together every weekend
- Transformed lives!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
2008...A Happening Year! (52 Highlights)
I will make it an annual blog tradition to look back over the year and name the highlights. I took time today to look back over my blog since January and re-read some of the memories. It was actually a profoundly moving experience! I kept having to double check that I was still reading the correct year. Overall sense in a statement: 2008 was one happening year!! It seems as though there were enough memories and experiences to spread over 5 years. Wow! Well, here they are...the 52 highlights of 2008 (ministry, family, personal, all included in the list...diverse representation of the year):
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