Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Upcoming Weekends

Hey guys, I am really looking forward to the next stretch of weekends. Here is a sneak peak of the line up:
  • This Sunday, November 9th: I will be preaching a post-election message entitled, "So, We Have a New President! Now, What?" Look forward to sharing some of what the Bible has to say about how we respond to our President Elect.
  • Sunday, November 16th: Pastor Nelson wraps up our Fall Series Making Connections with Session 6..."Suffering Love".
  • Then, I will begin a 3 week teaching series on "Habakkuk; When God Seems Unfair." Habakkuk is a 3 chapter book and the series will be 3 weeks (a week in each chapter). It will run November 23, November 30 and December 7. (Wow, this will run us right up to the Christmas season, can you believe it?)
Excited about what's ahead as we close up another GREAT year at Capital Christian Fellowship. So honored to serve in this place with you.


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