- Had one of the most productive days of my life. Period. No way to explain all that was accomplished. Not sure why. But, wow!
- Wanted to blog. Several things in my heart that I want to share about. Will get to them. I keep good notes. I will never run out of things to blog. I WILL run out of time to do it.
- Was able to slip home for an awesome dinner and time with the family. My sister made yams and greens. Now, we're talking!
- Just had an amazing Executive Board Meeting. Probably the most important meeting of the year. It has taken us a few years, but we are now really functioning like a team. Do due diligence before the meeting. Communication, Communication, Communication. And then, you can pass a budget in 15 minutes. Yes, you read that right.
- Juggling a lot of stuff. Will be working on my day off tomorrow, but Thanksgiving is coming!
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