Thursday, September 4, 2008

Satan's Lies or God's Truth

Satan says: You are a sinner because you sometimes sin.

God says: You are a saint (one declared righteous by GOD ) who sometimes sins.

Satan says: You get your identity from what you have done.

God says: You get your identity from what God has done for you.

Satan Says: You get your identity from what people say about you.

God says: You get your identity from what God says about you!

"You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased."(Mark 1:11 NIV)


  1. Hi Pastor Noah,

    This passage is awesome! This will be my thought for the week. I will forward this to my email buddies, family and friends. Keep the blogs coming! Have a blessed day and see ya at Small Group.


  2. Hi Pastor Noah,

    This passage is awesome! This will be my thought for the week. I will forward this to my email buddies, family and friends. Keep the blogs coming! Have a blessed day and see ya at Small Group.


  3. Lacreshia,

    Glad it blessed you!

    See you Sunday,

    Pastor Noah
