Monday, September 8, 2008

My head is pounding

One word defines the day I had today. Intense! I rarely get headaches, but I have one tonight. It was just an intense day. Had to deal with several things that required a pretty big outpouring of energy and emotion. Good things. Necessary things. Just draining. Need a good night sleep.

My heart is especially heavy tonight for a couple that lost their 1 week old baby today. Please pray for Darnette and Dwayne. The pain they must feel tonight could never be put into words.



  1. There are just no words. But we will be praying for them and their family.

  2. For Darnette and Dwayne:

    So sorry. It is true, no words are enough. Like you, we also lost our 8-day old son last year on September 19. I’ve been bracing myself emotionally for the anniversary of my son’s birth this Friday and for his death next Friday, so reading your news last night I didn’t know how to react.

    My prayer is for your emotional resilience and the ability to trust that our beautiful beloved children are well with the Lord.

    I took comfort, and still take comfort in Jesus’ words that he has not lost any of those that the Father gave him. He holds fast to us all. You and your husband are in his hands, and your dear child is in his hands too. He is through all and in all.

    The parent/child bond remains, and no matter the length, every life makes a lasting and meaningful impression.

    May you be strengthened in the Lord, and may you allow love to carry you and hold you together at this time.

    Alexine Hart

  3. Thanks for your prayers, Helena.

    Alexine, your words and sharing are so appropriate! You lost your son last year and your Dad just a few months ago! Wow! Your faith is quite strong and your attitude is impressive. It is an increasing blessing to get to know you more and to have you a part of CCF!
