Monday, August 11, 2008

Willow Creek Leadership Summit 2008

CCF assisted a few key leaders in attending the Willow Creek Leadership Summit last week (Jaye Lindo, Pam Kaye and Carol Roberts). It is a video cast event to local churches around the nation. The 3 people that went from CCF had to travel to Glenarden! Cool, huh!

Anyway, they returned from this event pumped with excitement and information. This is exactly what a good conference should do. I have great confidence in Willow Creek and their events. So glad some of our folks got to participate.

If you are interested in reading some summaries of the different speakers and what they shared, click here and read Mark Beeson's blog. He did a fantastic job of summarizing nuggets and pearls and has posted them on his blog for people to read...for free! Check it out! (Mark is the Senior Pastor of Granger Community Church in Granger, Indiana).

Good Stuff!

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