Thursday, August 14, 2008


There is a gal in our church who writes poems several a week. She recently emailed me two of them. I thought they were great, so I wanted to share them. Thanks, Jessi! Here they are:

His servants sat down,

and He washed their feet.

Down on His knees,

He carefully cleaned.

He's the King of all Kings,

though He humbly walks.

To serve His dear kingdom,

He teaches and talks.

You think that your special,

You're no more then Him.

Let go of your pride,

or your future will dim.


To contemplate the end,

allows you to live.

To look upon sadness

makes it easy to give.

Going to parties is

an escape for awhile.

When it's all said and done,

it gets harder to smile.

You live more through death,

your heart becomes pure.

So live in the moment,

only now is for sure.

--Jessi Coffey


  1. Well said. I agree, and too bad such lessons come the hard way (at least in my case, through a season of repeated grief). In it all, these thoughts resonate with me (I'm paraphrasing): become humble before the Lord and he'll lift us up (James4:10), and we are at our greatest when we serve (Matt: 20:26).

  2. Hartslove,

    Good words and great passages. I have enjoyed your communication and comments. So glad that you and your family have found CCF to be a place for you! Welcome.

    Pastor Noah
