Monday, July 7, 2008

The Weekend

A few reflections about the weekend:
  • Enjoyed a low-key 4th of July. Chose an on-time bedtime for Davis over fireworks. First 4th in years that we did not see fireworks, but we didn't mind, actually.
  • Funeral for Edna Custis was Saturday. It was a very meaningful time. First two and a half hour funeral I have ever attended. It was at 10th Street Baptist church....a very different church culture than I am used to, but man do they get excited about God!! Listening to the different people share just solidified the quality of person that she was. Looking forward to continuing to walk with the Custis family as the days ahead may be tough. Grief is a journey that is lived, not planned.
  • Good services yesterday. Lots of people on vacation, but Lew brought a good message. Also, had the chance to speak with numerous first service attendees about a service merger and received a unanimous positive response from those I spoke to. People were fine with transitioning to a 10:30am worship service. Still working on those details.
  • Said goodbye to Tricia and Davis this morning. They flew to Albany to spend the week with Tricia's family. I am glad they can go, but wish I could be with them. My boss only gives me so much vacation. Smile. It will be well spent time for them.
  • Looking forward to a good week I hope that you have a super dooper looper week!


  1. Wish you could have come as ya

  2. I know. Bummer. I miss you guys. Contemplated how I could do it, but I don't think I can. Take care of my babies.
