Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Thank you for what you do!

I am sitting in Panera Bread right now working on my message. At that table next to me is a PG county police officer eating a sandwich. Just a moment ago a man walked in, passed our tables, came back pointed at the cop and said these words in the most sincere tone..."Thank you for what you do!"

It moved me. I watched the man walk away, the cop stared at the man, looked moved and encouraged. Probably made his day. What if we all thanked public service people more often? Wish you could have been here to see this.


  1. Thank you for what you do! As a pastor, you save more lives than most cops can do in their entire career. I can tell that you love what you do and you genuinely care for people. I am thankful that God has put you where you are as our Pastor and friend!

  2. Tonya, your words here are a blessing and serving with people like you brings me unspeakable joy!! Much love!
